25 February 2010

Packaged and ready to go

Two of the new pieces going to Holland. I didn't get into another London show I'd applied for. Wish I didn't get cast down by these little knocks - you have to put yourself out there and be prepared to win some and lose some.

04 February 2010

Two months unrecorded

I don't know what happened to December and January. Lots of glass things one way and another. Perhaps I felt deflated after the installation in thehospital, but still busy glassing. Two new pieces - one's going to an exhibition in Holland (with 7 other pieces and 7 other glass artists) next month at the Aventurijn Kunstbemiddeling in the Eastern Netherlands, and the other is going to SOFA in New York in April. The perfume choker is getting its first London showing tonight at Heavenly Scent, after dramas getting it back from Barcelona and Madrid. Recent news includes being appointed Editor of Glass Circle News and elected as a Brother of the ArtWorkers’ Guild. So although two months have slipped by unblogged, they have not been idle.