06 July 2006


I can't seem to get spirality out of my system. It kept edging its way in at Brierley as well. Must be buried in my DNA. Here's a fused panel coming out of the kiln this morning. My scheme for containing them within fibreboard boxes is at last getting reliable. Carpet tacks at the corners just hold the strips together.


Anonymous said...

Dear Jane,
This isn't a blog comment, though I think your glass is wonderfully beautiful, but I am trying to get in touch as I have a 'Jane to Jane' copy of Ralph Ayres Cookery book for you and need your address to post it. I have only the New Cavenish St. address. I am so glad your bravery in taking up glass has paid off so well with your great success in the field.All best wishes, jane Jakeman. My e-mail: malfine@btinternet.com

Unknown said...

Rotate the plate 180 degrees, and it becomes the very net-savvy "@" symbol.