23 January 2007

Working in pairs

Things are looking up in the hot shop. There's a new Canadian artist-in-residence who is not only very nice, but very happy to work with us. The two pretty second years and I have been working together for the last two days. We're going back to basics and trying to master cylinders, cones and the basic bowl shape. The girls say they've never been taught how to set up for each of these. I have to confess that we did do it in Turkey - but that's a year and a half ago, and besides, that was in another country. Everyone shows you differently in any case. So I've been trying it Chris's way. Quite a reasonable little jug - and another one in the lehr. Today is the first time I have partnered anyone (pictured) for a whole session since I got here. Makes a huge difference. I must just get brave and ask.

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